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Let’s Talk Data! Temple Researchers Respond to the 2023 NIH Data Management & Sharing Plan Policy Changes

Let’s Talk Data! Temple Researchers Respond to the 2023 NIH Data Management & Sharing Plan Policy Changes Online


Do you receive NIH Funding for your research? If so, you’re one of many researchers at Temple and around the country who will likely have to comply with new rules that begin on January 25, 2023. New and competing renewal grant applications for ALL research projects that generate scientific data will now need to include a robust and detailed data management and sharing plan (DMSP). Researchers will be expected to promptly share data upon the completion of the research project.

At this panel event you’ll hear from Temple research leaders about what these upcoming NIH guidance changes mean for researchers and how to prepare. Join Dr. Dianne Langford (Associate Dean of Research at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine), Dr. Swati Nagar (Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at the Temple University School of Pharmacy), and Laura Vassallo (Director, Office of Research Administration, College of Public Health) for an informative discussion on this new NIH policy. Research & Data Services librarian Will Dean will moderate and be on hand to answer questions about data tools and management. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions.

On the day of the event, please join at this link:

Want to learn more about the policy and library resources to help you prepare? Attend our fall workshops focused on the upcoming NIH policy: Writing a DMP for the New 2023 NIH Guidelines on October 19 at 12 pm, and 2023 NIH Policy Changes on October 26 at 12 pm. Register to attend the workshops live or to receive a copy of the recording. 

Please contact Will Dean,, with questions

Related LibGuide: Research Data Management by Will Dean

Wednesday, November 2, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Events     Research Data  
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